Bibliography: Resources for Short-Term Missions
Organized by Dr. David Hesselgrave
Burns, Jim, gen. ed. and DeVries, Mike, comp., Missions and Service Projects (Gospel Light, 1999).
Eaton, Debra and Hurst, Kim, Vacations with a Purpose: Leaders’ Manual(David C. Cook, 1993).
Hoke, Steve and Taylor, Bill, Send Me! Your Journey to the Nations(World Ev. Fellowship, 1999). A streamlined version of MARC’s earlier You Can So Get There From Here Available from Wm. Carey Library and http://www.wearesources.org.
Forward, David C., The Essential Guide for the Short Term Mission Trip(Moody Press, 1998).
Kohls, L. Robert, Survival Kit for Overseas Living, third ed. (Intercultural Press, Inc., 1998).
Ricketts, Daniel, Building Strategic Relationships, (San Jose, CA: Partners International; currently out of print but scheduled to be republished in 2002).
Ricketts, Danial, Making Your Partnership Work, (San Jose, CA: Partners International; new publication available www.partnersintl.org).
Riechert, Richard P., Mission is a Contact Sport , second print. (Quito: Sunrise Press, 1998). Available from www.1stbooks.com and www.amazon.com .
Burns, Jim, gen. ed. and DeVries, Mike, comp., Missions and Service Projects (Gospel Light, 1999).
Eaton, Debra and Hurst, Kim, Vacations with a Purpose: Leaders’ Manual(David C. Cook, 1993).
Hoke, Steve and Taylor, Bill, Send Me! Your Journey to the Nations(World Ev. Fellowship, 1999). A streamlined version of MARC’s earlier You Can So Get There From Here Available from Wm. Carey Library and http://www.wearesources.org.
Forward, David C., The Essential Guide for the Short Term Mission Trip(Moody Press, 1998).
Kohls, L. Robert, Survival Kit for Overseas Living, third ed. (Intercultural Press, Inc., 1998).
Ricketts, Daniel, Building Strategic Relationships, (San Jose, CA: Partners International; currently out of print but scheduled to be republished in 2002).
Ricketts, Danial, Making Your Partnership Work, (San Jose, CA: Partners International; new publication available www.partnersintl.org).
Riechert, Richard P., Mission is a Contact Sport , second print. (Quito: Sunrise Press, 1998). Available from www.1stbooks.com and www.amazon.com .
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