
Martin and Greg reflect on the episode #44 interview with Enoch Wan. They discuss diaspora missiology, the relationship between witness and disciple-making, Reformed and Arminian theologies of mission, the theology of participation in God's mission, and the significance of language-learning for relational missiology.

Your Host

Martin Rodriguez is an assistant professor in the Department of Practical Theology at Azusa Pacific University. He holds a PhD in intercultural studies from Fuller Theological. His dissertation focuses on missiology at the intersection of postcolonial hybridity theory and late-modern leadership theory. Since 2011, he has served as Family Life Minister at the Hollywood Church of Christ (Hollywood ...

Martin Rodriguez sits down with Enoch Wan, professor of intercultural studies and director of the doctor of education and doctor of intercultural studies programs at Western Seminary (Portland, OR). They discuss diaspora missiology, the relational mission paradigm, and the the deficiencies of "functional" missionary anthropology.

Our Guest

Enoch Wan is professor of intercultural studies and director of the doctor of education and doctor of intercultural studies programs at Western Seminary (Portland, OR). He holds a BA in social sciences (Nyack College), an MTS in New Testament studies and counseling (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary), and an MA and a PhD in anthroplogy (State University ...

Martin and Greg reflect on the episode #41 interview with Michael Rynkiewich. They discuss the church-academy relationship in light of listener feedback, the state of culture studies in contemporary missiology, and postmodern and postcolonial missiology paradigms.

Your Host

Martin Rodriguez is an assistant professor in the Department of Practical Theology at Azusa Pacific University. He holds a PhD in intercultural studies from Fuller Theological. His dissertation focuses on missiology at the intersection of postcolonial hybridity theory and late-modern leadership theory. Since 2011, he has served as Family Life Minister at the Hollywood Church of Christ (Hollywood, CA, USA). Before this, he served for ...

Martin and Greg chat with Alan Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair at the Leaving Egypt podcast. They discuss how the churches have been affected by modernity, and how mission needs to change. Sharing the disorientation they encounter among church leaders, they explore the tension between missiological scholarship and relationships with real people.

Alan J. Roxburgh is founder of The Missional Network, and a widely published, leading theologian and experienced pastor who has been shaped by the work of Lesslie Newbigin. Alan lives in Vancouver, Canada, though he grew up in Liverpool - a place that taught him to be suspicious of authority ...

Martin Rodriguez sits down with Michael Rynkiewich, retired professor of anthropology. They discuss his experiences as a missionary and anthropologist in the Pacific Islands, his contrubtions to missiology as a scholar and professor, and the future of the field in our rapidly changing world.

Our Guest

Michael A. Rynkiewich, PhD, is retired from his roles as professor of anthropology at the E. Stanley Jones School of Mission and Evangelism and as director of postgraduate studies, both at Asbury Theological Seminary. His book, Soul, Self, and Society: A Postmodern Anthropology for Mission in a Postcolonial World (2012) received Christianity Today’s Merit ...

Martin and Greg reflect on the episode #39 interview with Craig Van Gelder. They discuss the role of personality in theological work, the significance of vocational in-between periods, the challenge of relating the every-day to God's mission, tensions in North American missiology, problematic missioloigcal terminology, missional parenting, and more.

Your Host

Martin Rodriguez is an assistant professor in the Department of Practical Theology at Azusa Pacific University. He holds a PhD in intercultural studies from Fuller Theological. His dissertation focuses on missiology at the intersection of postcolonial hybridity theory and late-modern leadership theory. Since 2011, he has served as Family Life Minister at ...