Bibliography: Christian Encounter with African Traditional Religion
If you have any suggestions or recommendations about this list, please Gailyn Van Rheenen.
Achampong-Baifie, Kwaku. The Sacrifices of God- The Pouring of Libation. Accra-North: Pinamano Press limited, 1992.
Adeyemo, Tokunboh. Salvation in African Tradition. Nairobi: Evangel Publishing House, 1979.
Asempa Publishers, ed.The Rise of Independant Churches in Ghana. Accra: Asempa Publishers, 1990.
Ayisi, Eric O. An Introduction to the Study of African Culture, 2d ed. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers, 1992.
Bahemuka, Judith Mbula. Our Religious Heritage. Lagos: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1982.
Bannerman- Richter, Gabriel. The Practice of Witchcraft in Ghana. Elk Grove: Gabari Publishing Company, 1982
Barrett, David, B. African Initiatives in Religion. Nairobi: East African Publishing House, 1971.
Bediako, Kwame. Jesus in Africa- The Christian Gospel in African History and Experience. Carlisle: Editions Cle and Regnum Africa, 2000.
________. Jesus in African Culture- A Ghanaian Perspective. Accra: Asempa Publishers, 1990.
________. Theology and Identity- The Impact of Culture Upon Christian Thought in the Second Century and in Modern Africa. Carlisle: Regnum Books, 1999.
Beethem, T.A. Christianity and the New Africa. London: Pall Mall Press, 1967.
Berman, Edward H., ed. African Reactions to Missionary Education. New York: Teachers College Press, 1975.
Donovan, Vincent J. Christianity Rediscovered- An Epistle from the Masai. London: SCM Press LTD.
Ellingworth, Paul and Kwesi Dickson, eds. Biblical Revelation and African Beliefs.London: Lutterworth Press, 1969.
Ferdinando, Keith. The Triumph of Christ in African Perspective- A Study of Demonology and Redemption in the African Context. Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 1999.
Gehman, Richard J. African Traditional Religion in Biblical Perspective. Kijabe: Kesho Publications, 1987.
________. Doing African Christian Theology- An Evangelical Perspective.
Nairobi: Evangel Publishing House, 1987.
Hastings, Adrian. Church and Mission in Modern Africa. London: Burn and Oates, 1967.
________. Mission and Ministry. London: Sheed and Ward, 1971.
Healey, Joseph and Donald Sybertz. Towards an African Narrative Theology. Limuru: Paulines Publications Africa, 1996.
Idowu, E. Boloji. African Traditional Religion. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1975.
Imasogie, Osadolor. Guidelines for Christian Theology in Africa. Africa Christian Press, 1993.
Kataza, Eugene and Aylward Shorter, eds. Missionaries to Yourselves- African Catechists Today. London: Geoffry Chapman, 1972.
Kato, Byang H. Biblical Christianity in Africa. Africa Christian Press, 1985.
_________. Theological Pitfalls in Africa. Kisumu: Evangel Publishing House, 1975.
Mbiti, John S. African Religions and Philosophy. London: Heinemann, 1970.
________. Akamba Stories. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.
________. Bible and Theology in African Christianity. Nairobi: Oxford University Press, 1986.
________. The Crisis of Mission in Africa. Mukono: Uganda Church Press, 1971.
________. Introduction to African Religion, 2d ed. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers, 1992.
________. New Testament Eschatology in an African Background- A Study of the Encounter Between New Testament Theology and African Traditional Concepts. London: Oxford University Press, 1971.
________. Poems of Nature and Faith. Nairobi: East African Publishing House, 1969.
Mitchell, Robert Cameron. African Primal Religions. Niles: Argus Communications, 1977.
Muga, Erasto. African Response to Western Christian Religion. Kampala: East Africa Literature Bureau, 1975.
Mugambi, J.N.K. African Heritage and Contemporary Christianity. Nairobi: Longman Kenya, 1989.
Mugambi, Jesse, N.K. The Biblical basis for Evangelization- Theological reflections Based on African Experience. Nairobi: Oxford University press, 1989.
Ngugi, Wa Thiong' O. Decolonising the Mind- The Politics of language in African Literature. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers Ltd., 1986.
Nthamburi, Zablon. The African Church at the Crossroads- A Strategy for Indigenization. Nairobi: Uzima Press, 1991.
Nyamiti, Charles. African Tradition and the Christian God. Eldoret: Gaba Publications.
________. Christ as Our Ancestor- Christology from an African Perspective.Gweru: Mambo Press, 1984.
Opoku, Kofi Asare. West African Traditional Religion. Accra: FEP International Private Limited, 1978.
Olupona, Jacob, K. African Traditional Religions in Contemporary Society. New York: Paragon House, 1991.
Parker, Anthony B. The Doctrine of Revelation in African Christian Theology. Master's thesis. Abilene Christian University, 1992.
P'Bitek, Okot. African Religions in Western Scholarship. Kampala: Uganda Literature Bureau, 1980.
Ray, Benjamin, C. African Religions- Symbol, Ritual, and Community. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1976.
Sarpong, Peter. Ghana in Retrospect- Some Aspects of Ghanaian Culture. Tema: Ghana Publishing Company, 1974.
Shorter, A. and company. Towards African Christian Maturity. Kampala: St. Paul's Publications-Africa, 1987.
Steeves, Guy W. Contextualizing the Atonement for the Sukuma Tribe of Tanzania. Ph.D. diss. Abilene Christian University, 1990.
Sundkler, Bengt. The Christian Ministry in Africa. London: SCM Press LTD., 1962.
Taber, Charles R., ed. The Church in Africa 1977. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1977.
Van Rheenen, Gailyn. Communicating Christ in Animistic Contexts. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1991.
Westerlund, David. African Religion in African Scholarship: A preliminary Study of the Religious and Political Background. Stochholm: Almqvist and Wiksell International Stockholm, 1985.
Achampong-Baifie, Kwaku. The Sacrifices of God- The Pouring of Libation. Accra-North: Pinamano Press limited, 1992.
Adeyemo, Tokunboh. Salvation in African Tradition. Nairobi: Evangel Publishing House, 1979.
Asempa Publishers, ed.The Rise of Independant Churches in Ghana. Accra: Asempa Publishers, 1990.
Ayisi, Eric O. An Introduction to the Study of African Culture, 2d ed. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers, 1992.
Bahemuka, Judith Mbula. Our Religious Heritage. Lagos: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1982.
Bannerman- Richter, Gabriel. The Practice of Witchcraft in Ghana. Elk Grove: Gabari Publishing Company, 1982
Barrett, David, B. African Initiatives in Religion. Nairobi: East African Publishing House, 1971.
Bediako, Kwame. Jesus in Africa- The Christian Gospel in African History and Experience. Carlisle: Editions Cle and Regnum Africa, 2000.
________. Jesus in African Culture- A Ghanaian Perspective. Accra: Asempa Publishers, 1990.
________. Theology and Identity- The Impact of Culture Upon Christian Thought in the Second Century and in Modern Africa. Carlisle: Regnum Books, 1999.
Beethem, T.A. Christianity and the New Africa. London: Pall Mall Press, 1967.
Berman, Edward H., ed. African Reactions to Missionary Education. New York: Teachers College Press, 1975.
Donovan, Vincent J. Christianity Rediscovered- An Epistle from the Masai. London: SCM Press LTD.
Ellingworth, Paul and Kwesi Dickson, eds. Biblical Revelation and African Beliefs.London: Lutterworth Press, 1969.
Ferdinando, Keith. The Triumph of Christ in African Perspective- A Study of Demonology and Redemption in the African Context. Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 1999.
Gehman, Richard J. African Traditional Religion in Biblical Perspective. Kijabe: Kesho Publications, 1987.
________. Doing African Christian Theology- An Evangelical Perspective.
Nairobi: Evangel Publishing House, 1987.
Hastings, Adrian. Church and Mission in Modern Africa. London: Burn and Oates, 1967.
________. Mission and Ministry. London: Sheed and Ward, 1971.
Healey, Joseph and Donald Sybertz. Towards an African Narrative Theology. Limuru: Paulines Publications Africa, 1996.
Idowu, E. Boloji. African Traditional Religion. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1975.
Imasogie, Osadolor. Guidelines for Christian Theology in Africa. Africa Christian Press, 1993.
Kataza, Eugene and Aylward Shorter, eds. Missionaries to Yourselves- African Catechists Today. London: Geoffry Chapman, 1972.
Kato, Byang H. Biblical Christianity in Africa. Africa Christian Press, 1985.
_________. Theological Pitfalls in Africa. Kisumu: Evangel Publishing House, 1975.
Mbiti, John S. African Religions and Philosophy. London: Heinemann, 1970.
________. Akamba Stories. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.
________. Bible and Theology in African Christianity. Nairobi: Oxford University Press, 1986.
________. The Crisis of Mission in Africa. Mukono: Uganda Church Press, 1971.
________. Introduction to African Religion, 2d ed. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers, 1992.
________. New Testament Eschatology in an African Background- A Study of the Encounter Between New Testament Theology and African Traditional Concepts. London: Oxford University Press, 1971.
________. Poems of Nature and Faith. Nairobi: East African Publishing House, 1969.
Mitchell, Robert Cameron. African Primal Religions. Niles: Argus Communications, 1977.
Muga, Erasto. African Response to Western Christian Religion. Kampala: East Africa Literature Bureau, 1975.
Mugambi, J.N.K. African Heritage and Contemporary Christianity. Nairobi: Longman Kenya, 1989.
Mugambi, Jesse, N.K. The Biblical basis for Evangelization- Theological reflections Based on African Experience. Nairobi: Oxford University press, 1989.
Ngugi, Wa Thiong' O. Decolonising the Mind- The Politics of language in African Literature. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers Ltd., 1986.
Nthamburi, Zablon. The African Church at the Crossroads- A Strategy for Indigenization. Nairobi: Uzima Press, 1991.
Nyamiti, Charles. African Tradition and the Christian God. Eldoret: Gaba Publications.
________. Christ as Our Ancestor- Christology from an African Perspective.Gweru: Mambo Press, 1984.
Opoku, Kofi Asare. West African Traditional Religion. Accra: FEP International Private Limited, 1978.
Olupona, Jacob, K. African Traditional Religions in Contemporary Society. New York: Paragon House, 1991.
Parker, Anthony B. The Doctrine of Revelation in African Christian Theology. Master's thesis. Abilene Christian University, 1992.
P'Bitek, Okot. African Religions in Western Scholarship. Kampala: Uganda Literature Bureau, 1980.
Ray, Benjamin, C. African Religions- Symbol, Ritual, and Community. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1976.
Sarpong, Peter. Ghana in Retrospect- Some Aspects of Ghanaian Culture. Tema: Ghana Publishing Company, 1974.
Shorter, A. and company. Towards African Christian Maturity. Kampala: St. Paul's Publications-Africa, 1987.
Steeves, Guy W. Contextualizing the Atonement for the Sukuma Tribe of Tanzania. Ph.D. diss. Abilene Christian University, 1990.
Sundkler, Bengt. The Christian Ministry in Africa. London: SCM Press LTD., 1962.
Taber, Charles R., ed. The Church in Africa 1977. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1977.
Van Rheenen, Gailyn. Communicating Christ in Animistic Contexts. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1991.
Westerlund, David. African Religion in African Scholarship: A preliminary Study of the Religious and Political Background. Stochholm: Almqvist and Wiksell International Stockholm, 1985.
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