#51 – Ruth Padilla Deborst

Martin Rodriguez sits down with Ruth Padilla Deborst, an associate professor of world Christianity at Western Theological Seminary and dean of extension courses at Comunidad de Estudios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios. They discuss Ruth's experiences in missiology as well as her hopes for its future .

Our Guest

Ruth Padilla Deborst is an associate professor of world Christianity at Western Theological Seminary and serves with the Comunidad de Estudios Teológicos Interdisciplinarios (CETI, a learning community with students across Latin America), and the Networking Team of INFEMIT (International Fellowship for Mission as Transformation). 

She currently contributes to the boards of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies and the American Society of Missiology. Past board service includes A Rocha International and the International Justice Mission.

She lives with her husband, James, in Costa Rica as a member of Casa Adobe, an intentional Christian Community with deep concern for right living in relation to the whole of creation. 

Dr. Padilla DeBorst is passionate about justice, both social and ecological and has written numerous articles and chapters in these realms. As a narrative theologian, she seeks to bring together word and world creatively for the integral witness of the good news in diverse contexts.


Hosted by Martin Rodriguez

Produced by Greg McKinzie
